This blog is a bit of an experiment as somewhere to record my thoughts, reflect on past investing and to track my performance.
A track record of my progress
I like to think I have enough intelligence to make a profit from owning shares but time will tell and this website is in part a record of my progress.
Curator of educational and interesting investment content
Over the years I have read and learnt enough to give me confidence to analyse and pick my own investments. Most of this knowledge has been self-taught through internet websites, blogs, message boards and experience. There is so much out there – some of it nonsense. I continue to learn and realise that many of the interesting and informative resources I find online could be shared with others who are improving their knowledge of shares and investing.
A soundboard of thoughts, ideas and musings
I write about what I have been researching, reading or thinking about. All opinions are just that. They are certainly not advice or recommendations. Hopefully these posts will be of interest to many, they may spur investment ideas or discussion. There’s no guarantee this blog matches my personal real life decisions or positions either partially or exactly.
My investing philosophy
I am open to a bit of risk and buy mainly UK AIM listed shares in my attempt to harness the small cap and low liquidity premiums. However I’m happy to buy or short sell anything I find interesting. I’m most comfortable within the value investor spectrum but experience has taught me to ignore momentum at your peril.