Ok, for those that haven’t heard of PV Crystalox (PVCS) already, here is my summary and the reasons I am invested. I read it as a great opportunity to double your money in 6-9 months.
BRIEF summary: Cash rich company preparing radical restructure and cash return to shareholders 2Q2013.
All figures in Euros.
Background: They are a manufacturer of multicrystalline silicon ingots and wafers. Business took a huge nose dive after cheap Chinese exports flooded the market. Prices fell. Over the last year they cut production, tightened their belts and planned to weather the storm, limping along until global prices picked up in the medium to long term. Share price diving all the while.
Results for 6 months ended 30th June showed….
- Net assets (majority tangeable) just under 200m
- Of which 122m euros is cash! (mostly won in court settlement from customer contract cut short).
- Tiny Pension surplus
- 32.6m 1H2012 sales,
- 12.2m EBIT loss on 61mw shipments,(full yr shpments expected to be 100-120mw)
There are another 2 on-going claims but one defendant probably unlikely to pay. I do not know the size of these claims or what payout they could be. From the RNS:
“We have been unable to reach a satisfactory agreement with two long-term contract customers who have been amongst the industry leaders in recent years and we are seeking resolution under the jurisdiction of the International Court of Arbitration. While successful judgements in the Group’s favour are anticipated there is increasing uncertainty as to whether one of these companies will have the financial resources to fully settle its claim.”
They repeated “make the necessary decisions during the remainder of the year to serve the best interests of shareholders.”
19th November Management Statement marks a change in tone from management – importantly they mention return of cash.
“The Group has a strong net cash balance and the Board is continuing to reorganise the Group, to enable the return of cash to shareholders. The Board expects to make a further announcement before the year end.”
Reduced full year volumes expected 100-105mw
And then bingo!
13th December Trading Statement http://www.pvcrystalox.com/scripts/php/rns_viewer.php?id=20563710
“The Board has now completed a strategic review of the business which has taken account of these adverse market conditions and the Group’s significant net cash balance. The outcome of this review is that the Group will carry out a radical restructuring while retaining its core production capabilities and returning excess cash to shareholders.”
“The Group intends to adjust its operations to align with anticipated sustainable short term market demand so that the ongoing business will be broadly cash neutral in 2013.”
“The Group expects to return cash to shareholders during Q2 2013 in a manner that will provide shareholders with an element of choice as to the form in which they receive the cash. Further details on the process will be announced in due course.”
So if we take a guestimate loss for second half 2012 of 20m this leaves cash of around 100m euros at year end. Company planning to be cash neutral in 2013 which I’m guessing means they won’t be burning cash and so will have much reduced need for a cash cushion. They intend to close one German factory and reduce yet further UK and German production. If we say money raised from factory closure/asset sales matches restructuring costs then we still have 100m cash, a company with around 80m net non cash assets and a current market cap of £40m at 9.5p (about 50m euros mkt cap and 11.7 cents – at £0.81/euro)
So we have twice the current share price in cash and once again in tangible assets. They could give away half their cash and you would still be holding the shares and business/assets for free. The remaining court cases could provide an added bonus.
The question remains of course just how much cash they give away but management has certainly changed strategy and language from ‘conserve’ to ‘return’ cash. I’m invested here but would like to hear from others before I plough more in.